
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

LokSewa Notes / HandOuts - Part 4 (२. राज्य र सरकार)

 २. राज्य र सरकार
/fHosf] cjwf/0ff ;DaGwL yk kl/efiffx? M

o   æclwsf/sf ;dfg efjgf / cfk;L ;xeflutfaf6 kmfObf p7fpg ;+ul7t ePsf] ax';+Vos ;dfh /fHo xf] .Æ – l;;/f]

o   æ/fHo kl/jf/ / ltgLx?sf ;femf ;DklQsf] ;+u7g xf], hf] s'g} ;jf]{Rr zlQm / lgodåf/f zfl;t x'G5 .Æ     – af]bfF

o   æ/fHo dfgjhfltsf] Pp6f lglZrt efu xf], h;nfO{ /fhgLlts PsfO{sf ?kdf x]l/G5  .Æ                     – au]{;

o   æh'g b]zsf dflg; cfkm\gf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf ;DkGg ;/sf/ cGtu{t /xG5g\ ToxfF /fHosf] cl:tTj x'G5 .Æ– cf]kgxfOd

o   æ/fHo ToxfF cl:tTjdf /xG5 hxfF cg]s dflg;x? ;/sf/sf] clwgdf Pp6f lglZrt e"–efu leq a:b5g\ hf] cfGtl/s ljifox?df pgLx?sf] ;fj{ef}ldstf k|s6 ug]{ c+u x'G5 / afx\o ljifox?df cGo ;/sf/af6 :jtGq /xG5 .– lunqmfO:6

/fHosf tTjx? M

s_ hg;+Vof M

1.     æ/fHosf] lgdf{0fsf nflu dflg;sf] cfjZos ;+Vofsf] s'g} lglZrt ;Ldf lgwf{/0f ug{ ;lsFb}g . cfjfbL Tolt x'gkb{5 hlt /fHosf] ;+u7g sfod /fVgsf nflu kof{Kt xf];\ / h;af6 zf;s / zfl;t Pj+ ;fj{hlgs / /fHosf] k|fb]lzs ;Ldf / e/0fkf]if0f ug]{ zlQmeGbf w]/} x'g' x'Fb}g .Æ                                                            – ufg{/

2.     æ>]i7 gful/sx?n] g} /fHosf] lgdf{0f ug{ ;S5g\ .Æ                                              – c/:t'

3.     æ/fHodf hg;+Vof Toltdfq x'g'kb{5 hxfF zf;s / zfl;t aLrdf km/s b]Vg ;lsof];\ .Æ                   – b'lUj6

v_ e"–efu M

1.     æ7"nf / ;fgf /fHox?sf] /fhgLlts pkof]lutf ;DaGwdf km/s–km/s dt JoQm ul/P tfklg hg;+Vof h:t} /fHosf] If]q ;DaGwdf klg s'g} ;Ldf lgwf{/0f ug{ ;lsFb}g .Æ                                        – P=;L= sk'/

u_ ;/sf/ M

1.     æ;/sf/ /fHosf] ;+u7g Pj+ Jojxfl/s k|bz{g xf] hf] o;sf nflu cfjZos 5 .Æ                  – lunqmfO:6

2.     æ;/sf/ /fhOsf] Tof] ;fwg xf], h;åf/f o;n] cfkm\gf p2]Zox?sf] k"lt{ u5{ .Æ                     – ufg{/

3_ ;Dk|e'tf M

1.     æ;Dk|e'tfsf aflx/L / leqL b'O{ kIf x'G5g\ . /fHosf] ;Ldfleq clwsf/sf] Psflwsf/  cfGtl/s ;Dk|e'tf xf] eg] k|To]s /fHo c? /fHox?af6 :jtGq x'g] aflx/L kIf xf] .Æ                                         – P=;L= sk'/

2.     /fHo cfkm\gf ;Dk|e\tfsf sf/0f c? ;a} k|sf/sf dflg;x?åf/f agfOPsf ;+3;+:yfx? eGbf leGg 5.Æ– nf:sL

3.     æ/fHosf] jf:tljs tTj ;Dk|e'tf xf] . cfGtl/s b[li6af6 x]bf{ o;sf] cy{ JolQm / JolQm ;d'xdfly /fHosf] sfg'gL clwsf/ x'G5 . afXo b[li6n] x]bf{ o;sf] cy{ /fHo, sfg'gL ?kn] c? /fHosf] lgoGq0faf6 :jtGq /xG5 .Æ   – u]6]n

ª_ ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3 / ljb]zL ;/sf/åf/f dfGotf M

;/sf/sf] cjwf/0ff

1.     js{n] ;/sf/nfO{ dflg;x?sf] OR5f k"/f ug]{ dfgj a'l4sf] Ps cfljisf/ dfG5g\ .

2.     æJoj:yflksfn] sfg'g lgdf{0f u5{, sfo{kflnsfn] sfg'gnfO{ nfu" u5{ / Gofokflnsfn] sfg'gsf] JofVof u5{ .Æ                                                                                                           – h]=;L= hf}x/L

3.     æJoj:yflksfn] /fHosf] OR5f k|s6 u5{, sfo{kflnsfn] To;nfO{ sfof{lGjt u5{ / Gofokflnsfn] /fHosf] cg'lrt x:tIf]kaf6 JolQmsf] /Iff u5{ .Æ                                                         – P=8L= cflzjf{bd / s[i0fsfGt ld>

;/sf/sf c+ux?

Joj:yflksfsf] ;+u7gsf af/]df a'l4k|;fb e08f/Lsf] k':tssf] k]h g+= @% x]g'{kg]{5 .

Gofo kflnsf

1.   æGofokflnsfn] tL clwsf/L / ;/sf/nfO{ ;dfj]z u5{ h;sf] sfo{ JolQmsf] dfldnfdf ljBdfg sg'gnfO{ Tofu ug'{ xf] Æ                                                                                                – lunqmfO:6

Gofokflnsfsf] u7g ;DaGwL yk s'/f a'l4k|;fbsf] k':tssf] k]h g+= #& x]g'{kg]{5 .

FinPro 18 Enterprise Edition Cracked

Ok. Here is my new crack for Finpro 18 Enterprise edition. In this tutorial, we will install Finpro18 straight from begining (installation of sqlserver) to end (intallation of crack).

I hereby announce, using this crack is strictly forbidden (If you know what i mean :-P)
If you like the software, Please Buy it. I am not responsible for any harm caused by this tutorial. 
(Use at your Own Risk)

This tutorial is designed for all the students who wants to learn about using FINPRO Accounting Software, Specially for Beloved Students of Kshitiz Int'l college.

1. First download these softwares:
             a) SQLExpress 2005
                       For 32 bit system
                       For 64 bit system
             b) Finpro18Setup torrent
 Download and install requred dot net framework from the link above in SqlExpress links.
2. Other Process is shown in this video swf file.

3. [Note: close all app before using this app]
                You can download Patch from here

Patch file will be uploaded soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience for downloads, as my torrent was not working. Now I have linked direct link to download but only for few days. so hurry up download.