
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Desktop Viber White / Blank Screen issue , Solved

My Desktop Viber was automatically updated recently and when I run the viber on desktop, It was just a White Blank Screen. I uninstalled and re-installed the viber software 2,3 times but the issue was not resolved.
Than i tried different method, that will tweak the registry entry.
Those who are suffering from the Blank White Screen you can follow the following methods to resolve that isuue:

  1. First download the recent Desktop Viber software mannually from here.
  2. Now unzip ViberSetup.exe, you just download in step 1. [ I'm usinz 7zip tool to unzip compressed file]
  3.  After unziping ViberSetup.exe, you will find 3 folders inside it: $INSTDIR, $PLUGINSDIR and $[52].
  4. Inside folder "$INSDIR" you will find two files, pack.exe and uninstall.exe.
  5. Again unzip pack.exe file to different folder.
  6. unzipped "pack" folder has main files to run viber without going throug installation process.
  7. Inside pack folder run viber.exe file and enjoy Desktop viber.

Easy Steps:

  1.  After downloading Desktop Viber, opent the ViberSetup.exe with 7zip tool.

 2.  Open "$INSTDIR" folder.

3. Open inside "pack.exe" : Not open, click "open inside"

4. Now select all files and click extract button. Than give the location where you want to extract the file. For easy, type D:\viber\ and click ok.

5 Now go to, D:\viber\ . open viber.exe and enjoy desktop viber.


  1. This doesn't work for me. Need to find other workaround.

    1. I found working solution for me. I just close Viber (blank window), then open task manager nad found that viber.exe process is still running. So I kill it and launch viber again. And now it works as expected. So it seems somehow viber.exe process remains into memory and this affects normal functionality. I think re-installation is more stupid thing support can suggest.

    2. Alezis, so much simpler and it works!

    3. soooo much easier....and thanks, this was driving me crazy!

  2. i had black screen issue with viber and this helped me. after installing and opening it i just get me to black screen, if you have same problem too close it from task manager and right click on viber icon on desktop, then click properties, then compatibility. in section settings check run in 256 colours (i also checked run as administrator). press ok. now run viber again and it will open in 256 colour mode normally except colours of course. after finishing sign up or login again do the same thing right click on viber icon on desktop, properties, compatibility , settings, uncheck run in 256 colours,ok. close it again or from task manager or system tray (right click on icon) and re run it, woilaa

  3. I have another solution. On my Lenovo T440 i changed colour depth to 32bpp and viber runs correctly. On 16bpp it simply crashes all the time.

  4. I fixed my by deleting the D3Dcompiler_47.dll in the %appdata% Viber folder.


    1. Thank you dear for this solution,, its work for me as well. suffering from 3 months. now resolved. i done so many thing. Thanks once again

    2. Works like a charm. You sir deserve a medal.

    3. Works for me as well, thank you!

  5. thank u guys deleting 47.dll worked for me.

  6. I had the same problem and tried literally everything, but the only solution that worked for me turned out to be quite simple. Go to Viber folder in your main Windows menu and open it. If you have the latest version of Viber, you should have "Viber" and "Viber (Compatibility Mode)" there. When you choose the latter, it just works. O_o

    1. Hey, this worked! Thanks!

    2. worked for me too after trying a lot of the other stuff - much handier thing to try first.

  7. I had the same problem and tried literally everything but nothing worked for me. Anyone have any other solutions?

  8. right click and choose run with graphic processor/ integrated graphics

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  11. Open Start, above Viber shortcut there would be a Viber in the form of a folder, open it then you'll see shortcut for Viber compatibility mode. Use that instead. Hope this will help you. If shortcut is not there, type command "C:\Users\(windowsusername)\AppData\Local\Viber\Viber.exe SafeMode" after pressing "Windows key + R"

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  14. Right click the icon of viber on the desktop select "properties" in the target field paste "C:\Users\(windowsusername)\AppData\Local\Viber\Viber.exe SafeMode" with the quotes.

  15. Toshiba Satelit laptop. I always use safe mode (bcs normal is not usable for me) till this last update After that it stop to work in any case. I can see red mark if msg received, but I get white screen in any case. Mouse pointer gives indication that something is active but white window is present. Pls halp.

  16. I had a similar issue, turned out it was because I was forcing FXAA to be on in the global settings for my Nvidia graphics card.

  17. Using default video adapter helped for me.

  18. Viber whie screen: In windows 7 Safe mod, Viber works ok!???? Any ideas???
