
Monday, October 5, 2015

Gorkhapatra Quiz Downloader Download

Now Gui version of Gorkhapatra quiz downloader is ready and available for download. This in alpha version at the moment, but works 90% fine.

                                      LOK SEWA SAHAYOGI

The program is coded in python programming language and source code will be available on gethub soon..

This programming is done just for fun for those students who are learning for LokSewa Exam Nepal. 
Required: 64 bit/32 bit windows 7 /windows8.1 / windows 10

Monday, September 28, 2015

Effect of cut from Rust Iron and Painted Iron

Do rusted iron will surely cause tetanus or it's just a possibility of getting infected by tetanus? And If rusted iron is painted, than the cut with it, will it cause tetanus?

Iron is rusted only whten air and water is mixed in iron. Irons are painted so that it won't get rusted but once it's rusted they are painted after rubbing with hard sand paper (खाक्सी) without which paint don't get attached well in iron.

Tetanus is caused by an bacteria called clostridium tetani and these micro-organism are abundant in any rusted items, So there are many chances that these organism may infect you if you are cut by rusted iron.

If Iron is painted by cleaning with hard sand  paper than you may not be infected by Tetanus but for prevention purpose 1- TT-injection will be a wise act. While deep cut wound may have higher chance for Tetanus and small cut injury can be treated by dettol or savlon wash.
-- Bijay Pradhan