
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Best Studying Techniques to Help You For Exams

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been an awful studier in the past. My notes were mediocre, I barely opened my textbooks, and studying for a test consisted of looking over pages of notes the night before the test. Since I was able to get by with my bad study habits for so long, I figured I must be doing something right. Last semester, however, one of my professors went over her best studying techniques from college and completely changed the way I studied from that point on.
This might not be revolutionary or new to some of you, but for those students out there who simply don’t know how to study correctly, this will help give you some direction.
RelatedHow to Make Studying Less Painful

Taking Notes

Depending on how your professor lectures, the way you take notes might change slightly. Some professors rely heavily on textbooks, while others use their own notes to highlight the more important parts of the lesson.
What I’ve noticed when taking notes in class is that the more I write, the less information I take in. So instead of trying to write down every word the professor is saying, I started listening to what was being said first, and then jotted down notes about areas that seemed important. Some of the key parts of lectures I write down in my notes are:
  • Keywords/definitions
  • Dates
  • Names
  • Specific chapters/headings in the textbook
I use my notes primarily as a way to recall points in the lecture. I might write down the name of an important person mentioned in the lecture, then write down a couple of words to remind me of who they are. For example, I could write:
Frederick Taylor: Father of scientific management, stressed efficiency and simplifying jobs. Wrote Principles of Scientific Management.
This isn’t a lot of information, but it’s enough to jog my memory. Since I wasn’t focused on writing down everything the professor mentioned about Taylor, my brain was able to focus more on the context of what was being said rather than just the words.
I know this particular method won’t work for everyone. It requires you to be a very good listener and have a fairly decent memory to recall the lecture. But that’s why we have nifty little devices called recorders.
If you have problems remembering information from lectures, grab a voice recorder to record your lectures. Even if you do use my method, having a voice recorder is still a great idea because you can play back certain parts of the lecture to recollect your memory. Recorded lectures will also come in handy in the next part of my studying method.
Editor’s Note: It’s a good idea to ask your professors for permission before recording lectures.

Re-Writing Your Notes

This is the part my professor taught me that really took my studying to the next level. A lot of times as college students, we can try to get by with doing as little work as possible. But putting in a little extra effort can go a long way. You’re paying for the classes, so you might as well get the most out of them, right?
What this step involves is exactly what the heading implies: We’re going to re-write the notes we took in class. The more times you see something, the more likely you are to take in the information and actually learn it, rather than just memorize it.
I’m a marketing guy, so I like to reference the Rule of Seven. The Rule of Seven says that a customer has to see an ad at least seven times before they will purchase a product or service. The reason I bring this up is to show the power of repetition.
The first time you write your notes (even using my method above), you may find that you have a ton of information that’s unorganized or incomplete. You’ll also probably have tons of pages worth of notes which is a big no-no.
You’re not going to re-write your notes word for word. The goal here is to re-write the notes in a more structured and contracted form similar to an outline. You want to be able to easily skim your notes, so including headings and bullets can be really helpful.
If you record your lectures, you can use the audio to reference any specific points of interest or importance.
RelatedYou Suck at Studying — 3 Lessons From a College Hacker

The Role of Your Textbook

The importance of your textbook will depend on your professor. Like I mentioned in the beginning, some instructors rely heavily on textbooks while others use it as a reference point. The method my professor taught me doesn’t require much use of the textbook at all — which is what I really like about it.
I’ve found that, for most classes, the information that’s on exams mostly comes from what the instructor is talking about during the lecture. Your textbook should be used as a reference point, not as your primary studying material. The bulk of what you’re studying should come from the notes you take in class.


In sales, they use the acronym ABC, which means “Always Be Closing.” For students, I say ABS  – Always Be Studying. What this basically means is: Don’t wait until two days before an exam to look at your notes. You should be studying from your notes on a regular basis.
I struggled with this for years; but once I realized that it’s actually a lot easier to study gradually over the course of several days or weeks instead of cramming in one night. I saw huge improvements and was a lot less stressed during exams.
Imagine if a boxer waited until a couple of days before a fight to start studying their opponent. They would have a general idea of what to expect, but nowhere near as much information as they would have if they had been studying all of the opponent’s fights for weeks. You have to develop the same mentality when you study for a test.
The more time you take to study, the more information you’re able to absorb. When it’s time for an exam, you’re more than prepared. You don’t have to worry about whether or not you know all the material because you’ve been looking at it for weeks. At that point, the exam is as easy as filling out an information sheet at the doctor’s office. You know all the answers and it’s just a matter of putting it down on paper.
The takeaway here is that, the better prepared you are, the less pressure you’re going to be under. Compare the quality of a microwave pizza to one made with homemade dough, fresh mozzarella, ripe tomatoes, and fresh-sliced pepperoni. The homemade pizza requires more work and patience, but the outcome is so much better than the frozen alternative.
Similarly, when you put the extra time and effort into studying, you’ll see much better results.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

6 amazing things you didn’t know about your computer

It’s a ritual across the globe: somewhere between sticking the kettle on and complaining about last night’s match, you’ll probably hit the button on your ageing company PC and wait while it slowly thinks about turning on. Rather than take it for granted, though, it’s worth taking a couple minutes to realize a few of the things that your poor robot slave does without you ever knowing.

1. Bits, Bytes, and Size

Next time you complain about the pitiful memory capacity of your old 8GB iPod Touch, it’s worth remember what makes up eight whole gigabytes. Computer science grads will know that in every gigabyte, there’s 1024 megabytes; 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte, and 1024 bytes in a kilobyte. Breaking it down to the lowest level, you’ve got 8 bits in a byte.
Why does that matter? Because on a flash drive, each bit of data is made up of eight separate floating gates, each comprising two physical transistors, which can basically record themselves as either a ‘1’ or a ‘0’. (Want to be impressed ever further? Each floating gate actually relies on quantum mechanics to work.) That means that an 8GB iPod Touch – the one you were laughing at a minute ago for being puny – has, according to my back-of-the-napkin maths, 549,755,813,888 individual gates arrayed inside that svelte aluminium body. Mighty clever engineering indeed.

2. Everything you see or hear on the internet is actually on your computer

All your computer-whizz friends probably delight in telling you how having a ‘library’ of videos is so 2008, that no-one torrents any more, it’s all Netflix and iPlayer and ‘The Cloud’, whatever that means. But, you might want to remind them: every time you stream a video or the week’s latest Top 40 off the web, it’s actually, technically playing off your computer.See, every internet media file has to make a local copy of itself on your machine, first. Ever wondered what that white buffering bar means on YouTube or Netflix? It’s the amount of video that’s been copied to the local cache, a.k.a. the amount you can still watch if your internet decides to up and die.

3. The distance data travels

A quick experiment for you: click this link, which should take you to Wikipedia. With one click, you’ve just fetched a bunch of data from servers in Ashburn, Virginia, about 6000km away. Your request has travelled from your computer, through a local Wi-Fi router or a modem, up to a local data centre, from there onwards (under the Atlantic Ocean, if you’re in the UK), all the way to Virginia, and back again – in around 0.1 of a second, depending on how good your internet connection is.
By comparison, your body takes around 0.15 of a second for a signal to pass from your fingers, up your spinal cord to the brain, and back down again.

4. Counting Starts at Zero

At a base level, every computer’s just a really big, complicated calculator. But thanks to the way its intrinsic circuitry works – with lots of little logic gates that are either ‘on’ or ‘off’ – every action that takes place at a base level is happening in binary, where things are either a 1 or a 0, with no shades of grey in between.
This actually translates up to a neat bit of programming trivia – in the computer science world, all counting (with the rather notable exceptions of Fortran and Visual Basic) starts at zero, not one.
It actually makes a lot more sense – ever thought about why the 20th century refers to the 1900s? It’s because when historians decided on the dating system, they weren’t clever enough to call the very first century (0-99AD) the 0th century. If they had, we’d probably have far fewer confused school children the world over.

5. The work that goes into a Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V

One rather under-appreciated fact about solid state drives (SSDs), regarded as the gold standard for fast, reliable storage, is the amount of copying they have to do. When you want to copy some data from one bit to another, it’s not just a matter of shuffling the data from one part of the drive to another.
Because of the complicated way a SSD works, over-writing a block of old data with some shiny new data isn’t as simple as just writing the new stuff in with a bigger, thicker Sharpie. Rather, the storage drive has to do some complicated shuffling around.
In practice, this can mean that writing a tiny 4KB file can require the drive to read 2MB (that’s thousands of times more data that the 4KB file you’re trying to write), store that temporarily, erase a whole tonne of blocks, then re-write all the data. It’s rather labour-intensive, so think before you juggle your files around next time.

6. Code isn’t as clean as you think

The majority of us put faith in bits of technology you don’t quite understand – be it committing your life to a 747, or your dirty pics to Snapchat’s auto-delete. When you do you generally tend to assume that the code’s been scrupulously examined by teams of caffeine-fuelled programmers, with most of the niggling little bugs found and nixed.
The truth seems to be quite the opposite. One Quora user pointed out that buried within the source code for Java, one of the internet’s fundamental bits of code, is this gem:
* This method returns the Nth bit that is set in the bit array. The
* current position is cached in the following 4 variables and will
* help speed up a sequence of next() call in an index iterator. This
* method is a mess, but it is fast and it works, so don’t f*ck with it.
private int _pos = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

It just goes to show that even programmers rush things to get home for the next installment of Game of Thrones sometimes.