
Saturday, November 22, 2014

6 amazing things you didn’t know about your computer

It’s a ritual across the globe: somewhere between sticking the kettle on and complaining about last night’s match, you’ll probably hit the button on your ageing company PC and wait while it slowly thinks about turning on. Rather than take it for granted, though, it’s worth taking a couple minutes to realize a few of the things that your poor robot slave does without you ever knowing.

1. Bits, Bytes, and Size

Next time you complain about the pitiful memory capacity of your old 8GB iPod Touch, it’s worth remember what makes up eight whole gigabytes. Computer science grads will know that in every gigabyte, there’s 1024 megabytes; 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte, and 1024 bytes in a kilobyte. Breaking it down to the lowest level, you’ve got 8 bits in a byte.
Why does that matter? Because on a flash drive, each bit of data is made up of eight separate floating gates, each comprising two physical transistors, which can basically record themselves as either a ‘1’ or a ‘0’. (Want to be impressed ever further? Each floating gate actually relies on quantum mechanics to work.) That means that an 8GB iPod Touch – the one you were laughing at a minute ago for being puny – has, according to my back-of-the-napkin maths, 549,755,813,888 individual gates arrayed inside that svelte aluminium body. Mighty clever engineering indeed.

2. Everything you see or hear on the internet is actually on your computer

All your computer-whizz friends probably delight in telling you how having a ‘library’ of videos is so 2008, that no-one torrents any more, it’s all Netflix and iPlayer and ‘The Cloud’, whatever that means. But, you might want to remind them: every time you stream a video or the week’s latest Top 40 off the web, it’s actually, technically playing off your computer.See, every internet media file has to make a local copy of itself on your machine, first. Ever wondered what that white buffering bar means on YouTube or Netflix? It’s the amount of video that’s been copied to the local cache, a.k.a. the amount you can still watch if your internet decides to up and die.

3. The distance data travels

A quick experiment for you: click this link, which should take you to Wikipedia. With one click, you’ve just fetched a bunch of data from servers in Ashburn, Virginia, about 6000km away. Your request has travelled from your computer, through a local Wi-Fi router or a modem, up to a local data centre, from there onwards (under the Atlantic Ocean, if you’re in the UK), all the way to Virginia, and back again – in around 0.1 of a second, depending on how good your internet connection is.
By comparison, your body takes around 0.15 of a second for a signal to pass from your fingers, up your spinal cord to the brain, and back down again.

4. Counting Starts at Zero

At a base level, every computer’s just a really big, complicated calculator. But thanks to the way its intrinsic circuitry works – with lots of little logic gates that are either ‘on’ or ‘off’ – every action that takes place at a base level is happening in binary, where things are either a 1 or a 0, with no shades of grey in between.
This actually translates up to a neat bit of programming trivia – in the computer science world, all counting (with the rather notable exceptions of Fortran and Visual Basic) starts at zero, not one.
It actually makes a lot more sense – ever thought about why the 20th century refers to the 1900s? It’s because when historians decided on the dating system, they weren’t clever enough to call the very first century (0-99AD) the 0th century. If they had, we’d probably have far fewer confused school children the world over.

5. The work that goes into a Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V

One rather under-appreciated fact about solid state drives (SSDs), regarded as the gold standard for fast, reliable storage, is the amount of copying they have to do. When you want to copy some data from one bit to another, it’s not just a matter of shuffling the data from one part of the drive to another.
Because of the complicated way a SSD works, over-writing a block of old data with some shiny new data isn’t as simple as just writing the new stuff in with a bigger, thicker Sharpie. Rather, the storage drive has to do some complicated shuffling around.
In practice, this can mean that writing a tiny 4KB file can require the drive to read 2MB (that’s thousands of times more data that the 4KB file you’re trying to write), store that temporarily, erase a whole tonne of blocks, then re-write all the data. It’s rather labour-intensive, so think before you juggle your files around next time.

6. Code isn’t as clean as you think

The majority of us put faith in bits of technology you don’t quite understand – be it committing your life to a 747, or your dirty pics to Snapchat’s auto-delete. When you do you generally tend to assume that the code’s been scrupulously examined by teams of caffeine-fuelled programmers, with most of the niggling little bugs found and nixed.
The truth seems to be quite the opposite. One Quora user pointed out that buried within the source code for Java, one of the internet’s fundamental bits of code, is this gem:
* This method returns the Nth bit that is set in the bit array. The
* current position is cached in the following 4 variables and will
* help speed up a sequence of next() call in an index iterator. This
* method is a mess, but it is fast and it works, so don’t f*ck with it.
private int _pos = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

It just goes to show that even programmers rush things to get home for the next installment of Game of Thrones sometimes.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Life Story: Dolma Lama: From Daughter to Mother

Dolma Lama: From Daughter to Mother

Dolma Lama is a well-known television artist of Nepal, who also played the role of Phurwa’s mother in the first episode of Katha Mitho Sarangiko. Dolma in her real life has faced lots of ups and downs as a struggling woman. Born in a remote village of Helambu in Northern mountain region of the country, her life stories can be inspiration to many people. Dolma has given an interview for the magazine program of the KMS, Sarangiko Bhalakusari. Here is some excerpt from the interview, in her words:
“I am going to tell the truth about my real life. In the very early age I came to Kathmandu from my village to work as a labourer in a carpet factory. While weaving the carpets in the factory people told me that I could never make money with such a job. They suggested I go to India to find some work. Jammu Kashmir region was very popular among migrant workers at that time. At the age of 15, I went to Jammu to work as a road construction labourer. While I was there, I found a guy. I liked him. He proposed marriage. He said if I did not get married to him he would leave me and go to another place. He was helping me to find work there. I was so afraid of losing my job if he left me. I was very young at that time. I did not know about right and wrong. So at that early age I got married with that guy fearing I would lose the job if I did not marry.

But after the marriage I started realizing that marriage needs lots of understanding between a boy and a girl. I started regretting about getting married in a hurry. My husband was quite a lot older than me. There was a lack of understanding as well. Still I loved him. We were doing well for a few years. But we were very poor. Because of poverty there would be misunderstanding and quarrels about small things. He used to get angry over small things and often beat me. I stayed with him until I was 29. But everything has got its limit. I could not tolerate the violence and harassment anymore. Then I decided to leave him. I told him that we cannot go on living like this. We agreed that we can live apart. Then we left each other in a kind of understanding.
I was really happy to be a part of the drama. Though I acted in many video programs in the past, this is a new experience for me. I was born in Helambu. My childhood was spent in a typical farming village. I used to work hard in the farm, going to the forest to collect grass and firewood, carrying heavy loads of water and crops. The role I played in the drama, reminded me of my childhood and my mother.

In the drama I support my daughter against my husband. In the real life also, there is same kind of situation. Fathers are always sceptical about the behaviours of their daughter. They are more worried about daughters. But there are many things daughters and mothers have in common. Daughters are closer to their mothers. They share more with their mothers than their fathers. They get afraid of their fathers and so do not communicate well.
In the drama Phurwa decides for herself whom she marries. The first thing to remember is that people in the village are not educated. They don’t have schools in the village. They don’t know many things about people and places. Parents force their daughters to get married with somebody they like. But girls and boys do not know each other in such cases and their married life can be difficult.
I am in favour of love marriages. Because boys and girls get a chance to understand each other and are then capable of deciding their own fate. In the drama Phurwa gets married to Harke, but later their marriage fails. Phurwa only see Harke from the outside. She should have looked inside his heart and mind as well. It is very necessary before marriage for a boy and girl to spend a couple of months together to understand each other. It is not good idea to get married just because of infatuation. The culture of getting married to a Lahure (somebody who has returned from military service abroad) widely prevails in the rural community. People think that the Lahure is rich and can make girls happy.
Now I have got three daughters and a son. I am worried about their future. I am giving much time to my children for their education and future planning. Besides the family, I do other things like acting and singing for money making. At the moment I am preparing to release a music album. I have already sung in nearly a dozen of music albums.
I am really happy to be in this program to share some of my experience and feelings. I am also thankful to all the audience who are listening me.