
Friday, July 11, 2014

Check Out This Video of a Complete Heart Transplant!

Heart disease is the number one cause of death around the globe. While approximately 50,000 people are candidates for transplants, only about 5,000 are performed each year. 
The first heart transplant surgery was in 1967 in Cape Town, South Africa. After a 25-year-old woman died in a car accident, her heart was given to a 55-year-old man. Unfortunately, the man died only 18 days later. Rejection was common in early surgeries with most patients not lasting more than a couple of weeks, so not many were performed. In the coming decades, meticulous tissue-matching and improved medications increased survival rates.
Today, recipients of donated hearts have a survival rate of 90% after one year and 74% after five years. As research involving replacement organs from stem cells continues to progress, those numbers will hopefully increase.

Potential recipients undergo psychological evaluation for the surgery and they are also given a variety of tests regarding tissue type and to make sure they are healthy enough to sustain the new organ. Once a donor heart becomes available, recipient selection based on a number of factors, including time on wait list, prognosis, and proximity to the available donor organ.
When everyone is ready to proceed with the transplant, the recipient is put under general anesthesia and connected to a cardiopulmonary bypass machine. After the blood has been completely diverted from the heart, the old heart is extracted and replaced with the donor organ. After the new heart is sewn into place and the blood is brought back to the heart, the heart will be shocked into beating. Before they close up, the surgeon will monitor the heart is functioning properly without any leaks. 
Quite obviously, the following video that shows this process is graphic, yet totally amazing. I mean, you’re watching someone’s heart get cut right out of their chest, so please view with discretion.

8 Fascinating ‪#‎DIY‬ Electronics Hacks That You Can Try!

Have that old VCR lying at home? Planning to throw it out? Don't. Instead you should hack it.
In the world of electronics, the more you can do yourself, the better it is for you. Hacking devices and undertaking DIY projects often allow you to modify devices into lasting longer or performing additional tasks or completely new tasks. Here are 8 videos that will motivate you towards the same.

1. DIY Hacks & How To's: Convert a Battery-Powered Device to AC Power

This video shows you how you can convert DC power to AC power very easily.

2. Hack everything: re-purposing everyday devices - Matt Evans

This is a video telling you how you can hack old electronic devices instead of throwing them out. This can help you in improving or modifying their functionality and drawing more use out of them.

3. DIY Hacks & How To's: Pocket Sized Power Supply

This is a hack for building a small pocket-sized device that can be used for testing battery-powered electronic devices while you're on the move.

4. Hack of the Month Club -- Project #3: Jumping Speakers

This video shows you how you can make an oscillator without just a battery, scrap metal and a speaker.

5. Hack A Week

This is a playlist containing over 40 videos with various DIY projects related to electronics.

6. Basic Electronic Hacks

This playlist contains 6 videos on various basic DIY hacks related to electronics. You will find some useful tutorials in this one.

7. FREE Hidden Electricity!

This is a short minute-long video that tells you how your phone lines can be used as a free source of electricity.

8. Southpaw Modification - Xbox360 Controller - Electronics Hack

In this video, an Xbox controller is hacked in order to add the Southpaw control option to it.