
Monday, March 2, 2015

Cracking GAMS (Government Accounting Management System)

Hello, this is next tutorial on cracking
Application : GAMS (Government Accounting Management System)
Company : Gautam Software Developer
Method : Cracking with Serial Fishing ( Finding out the Registration Key)
Tools used : Ollydbg debugger
Website :

Only for Educational Purpose

     When you open the program GAMS.exe, you will be asked for Username and Password. By Default, Username:Password is Bimal:bimal. So, when the program is fully loaded, There you will see Trial version. So our task is to find the Full Version Key for this software. Here it begins....

  1. Fire up GAMS.exe on Ollydbg.exe and run the the program by Pressing F9
  2. Now Click  रजिषटर inside सेटिङ  Menu.
  3. A Register dialogue box will appear. You are asked for Product Code for registration while Machine Code is self generated uniquely for each pc's.
    Enter fake Product code ( In my case '777777777') But Do not click Register Button now.
  4. In ollydbg, click E (As you see below menu bar - L|E|M|T|W|H|C... )
  5. There you search for -MSVBVM60.dll- then right click on this file and select (View names)
  6. Under Names in MSVBVM60, Search for __vbaStrCmp and put breakpoint on it by pressing F2
  7. Now you click Register Button on the Registration dialogue where you entered Fake product Code.
  8. As you hit the Register Button, Ollydbg will fire on the Breakpoint on vbaStrCmp where you will see your fake product key and the real product key being ready for compare.
  9. There you have a real Full Version product key on the Register's view.
  10. Happy Reversing....

Thursday, February 26, 2015


गाेरखापत्र लाेकसेवा सहयाेगी वस्तुगत प्रश्नाेत्तर
(Script To Download the Objective questions published on Gorkhapatra)

   Gorkhapatra Newspaper has been publishing the Objective Questions helpful for preparing Loksewa Exam on every Wednesday. Most of the students miss these questions and when they try to find, it's a bit bite in ass. A friend of mine asked me to download all the available objective questions So I have written a Python script to download all the Gorkhapatra Newspaper page:2 available on the server, where the objective questions are posted on every Wednesday. Hope this will be helpful.
  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import mechanize
  3. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  4. import fileinput
  5. import cookielib
  6. import re
  7. from datetime import *
  8. import datetime
  9. import os
  10. import urllib
  11. #------------------------------------------------------
  12. def processing(t):
  13.     #extract the content of between pageno":"2" and pageno":"3"
  14.     all_txt='"pageno":"2"(.*)"pageno":"3"',t)
  15.     text1=
  16.     t=str(text1)
  17.     u=str(text1)
  18.     all_txt='"buttons"(.*)"box_id":"1"',t)
  19.     if(all_txt):
  21.         t=str(text2)
  22.         all_txt='%s\\\/(.*).jpg"'% fname,t)
  24.     else:
  25.         print '\n'
  26.         all_txt='%s\\\/(.*).jpg"'% fname,t)
  29.     t=str(text2)
  30.     download= ''+ str(weekdays[i])+'/'+t +'.jpg'
  31.     print download
  32.     f = open('c:\\quiz_gorkha\\%s.jpg' %fname,'wb')
  33.     f.write(urllib.urlopen(download).read())
  34.     f.close()
  36. #------------------------------------------------
  37. def head1():
  38.     print ' \t ******** Created By Dipendra Shrestha ********'
  39. #------------------------------------------------
  40. def heading(by,bm,bd,ey,em,ed):
  41.     head1()
  42.     print '\n\n processing data from ' +str(by)+'-'+str(bm)+'-'+str(bd) +' to '+ str(ey)+'-'+str(em)+'-'+str(ed)
  43. #------------------------------------------------
  44. br = mechanize.Browser()
  45. print '\n\nEnter the Begining Date from which you would like do download gorkhapatra quiz \n'
  46. by=input('Enter year (YYY)')
  47. bm=input('Enter month (MM)')
  48. bd=input('Enter day (DD)')
  49. os.system('cls')
  50. print '\n\nEnter the Ending Date upto which you would like do download gorkhapatra quiz \n'
  51. ey=input('Enter year (YYY)')
  52. em=input('Enter month (MM)')
  53. ed=input('Enter day (DD)')
  54. os.system('cls')
  55. #------------------------------------------------
  56. heading(by,bm,bd,ey,em,ed)
  59. weekdays=[sdate+datetime.timedelta(days=i) for i in range((edate-sdate).days+1) if(sdate+datetime.timedelta(days=i)).weekday() in (2,2)]
  60. for i in range(len(weekdays)):
  61.     print weekdays[i]
  62.     fname=str(weekdays[i])
  63.     # Getting data from
  64.'' %fname).read()
  65.     t=str(bt)
  66.     nodata='larger',t)
  67.     if(nodata):
  68.         processing(t)       
  69.     else:
  70.         print 'Data not found for the date '+fname +'\n'