What is Web Development ?
As we are
completely surrounded with internet we are also surrounded with website
thorough which we access information from the internet, the main reason
behind the creation of the Internet was to share information throughout
the world in an easy way, so to access those information website is
created where the information is kept or
stored and we visit those websites to gain access to those
information..But how and from where does websites come and here come the
Web Development, the process of creating or developing websites is
called Web Development.
Within the rise of internet users different reason came out and people wants more than just information from Internet.
Networking is a huge part of Web/Internet among the top 10 ranked
websites based on visitors 3 to 4 of them are Social Networking Web
Sites i.e Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo..etc
Even on the Web
Application sector in the top 10 majority of them are social networking
apps i.e Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Tango, Skype..etc I can keep on
writing the whole day these social apps name.
Back to our agenda Web Development is the process of creating or developing a Website.
Is Web Development a Good Path for Future ?
This is a good question for a newbie or someone who is interested in Web Development but still didn't started on it.Well to be honest I will say yes it is because every day new Companies are establishing and every will need a website to promote its existence on the web as nowadays it is the most visited place I must say, even we search for how to tie shoe laces or sometimes we even search for how to start a company, Our Searches can be for really small needs as well as some serious stuff so if you have a company you need a website for it and to get a website most of the times you need a web developer and not only a developer but you need someone to maintain it too.
It is a popular field now and many people are starting to be a good web developer and the ones who are a good developer they are earning a fair amount of money..Following is a chart of annual salary of web developers across the world.
Is it hard to be a Web Developer ?
Nothing is easy to obtain but as compared to other fields in Computer Science Web Development is easier to understand than others as there are a list of languages which you must learn but most of them are easy to learn. When you will start everything will seem like complicated and hard but with few days it will get clear.How should I start ?
That's the most common question by the beginners in any field and its one of the hardest question to solve but here in Web Development there are few principles which you should follow i.e every website needs a webpage and that webpage first requires some information typed on it and then it needs to be designed ex. font color, background image..etc and then you make it interactive then can make it a dynamic webpage by some web programming languages then if you want you can have a database. So there each and every step requires you to learn a language through which you can accomplish them.Here is the Basic Concept
the Webpage CSSInteractive Webpage
JavaScript, jQueryDynamic Website
PHPDatabase MySql
These languages discussed
here aren't the only languages available in Web Development but these
are the languages you must know and are the most popular web developing
languages out there!
It seems really hard to
get hang of all these languages, but trust me they are really easy to
learn and you don't need to master all of them but you must know them
for example you can only go for the basics of CSS, JavaScript and jQuery
and these languages are mastered by the Web Designers ..
Where should I Start from ?
You can start by learning in the following flow respectively
- JavaScript (Basics)
- jQuery (Basics)
- MySql
Best Courses for Beginner's :
is one of the best Source to start learning from for beginners but its
really expensive..No Worries I will give you the torrent link of those
courses through which you can start learning them now :)
Following are the Courses you MUST Take
Lynda.com - Web Technology Fundamentals
Lynda.com - HTML and HTML5 Basics
Lynda.com - JavaScript for Web Designers
Lynda.com - jQuery Essential Training
Lynda.com - PHP with MySQL Essential Training
Lynda.com - PHP with MySQL Beyond the Basic
Download all course for free with torrent link: